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About Mr. Elam

Mr. Elam (first name unknown) has been teaching in the Central A&M school district for 10 years!  He graduated from Millikin University in 2005 with a degree in Vocal Music Education.  In his first five years at Central A&M, he taught MS Choir and 6th Grade Music Appreciation.  In 2010, he took over the HS Choir and K-5 General Music.  In addition to his teaching duties, Mr. Elam also directs the MS Musical, helps with the HS Variety Show, and coaches MS Scholastic Bowl.

Mr. Elam has been married to his wonderful wife, Mrs. Elam (first name also unknown) for six years.  He has two wonderful sons, 3-year-old Daniel and 9-month old James!

Mr. Elam is a member of NAfME (National Association for Music Education) and ACDA (American Choral Directors Association).  He currently serves on the Illinois ACDA State Board as the Representative from District 5.  He contributes yearly to the Il-ACDA "Podium" on-line magazine.


If you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Elam through e-mail at:

Mr. Elam

(with his son Daniel)

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